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How to Cut Cheese

How to Cut Cheese Like a Pro

Interested in cutting cheese portions like a pro? ACIT is here to help… To start, it’s important to understand each cheese is cut according to a precise pattern. Cheese does not offer a uniform taste throughout, so always cut it so both the core and the rind are included in the slice. All cheese portions must contain a part of the heel so that no one feels left out, also because the cheese’s taste is not uniform and will be (especially with white mould cheeses) generally more pronounced closer to the surface. These subtleties are all part of the pleasure of tasting and appreciating cheese in its entirety, so take care when portioning so all of the nuances can be appreciated.

To cut a whole cheese, point the tip of knife in the centre and slice outwards. For a piece of cheese that is already in a wedge-like shape, cut the tip crosswise and then the base lengthwise. The cheese is cut using a knife that’s been run under warm water then wiped. What about all the other cheeses, you ask? Don’t worry, we’ve got you all covered below…

R O U N D   C H E E S E   B L O C K S

cut round cheese blocks

Cut into wedge-like portions by starting from centre outwards

H A R D   W E D G E

cut hard cheese wedge

First of all cut the wheel in two (half). Then again in two (quarter). Then cut each wedge into portions crosswise.

S Q U A R E   C H E E S E   B L O C K S

cut square cheese

Cut into wedge-like portions by starting from centre outwards.

S M A L L   R O U N D S

cut small cheese rounds

Cut into wedge-like portions by starting from centre outwards

P Y R A M I D   B L O C K

cut pyramid cheese block

Slice the cheese into wedges from the top center.

C Y L I N D R I C A L   T Y P E   C H E E S E   ( L O G )

cut cheese log

Cut in even cross-section slices.

B L U E   V E I N   W E D G E 

cut blue vein cheese

Slice it into points from the bottom centre of the thin edge.

C Y L I N D R I C A L   C H E E S E

The cheese can be cut using a wire through the middle, then cut to wedge either traditionally, or Aveyronnaise style.

H A R D   R I N D E D  R E C T A N G U L A R

cut hard rinded rectangular

Cut from the tip of the cheese or in strips from the first cut then in wedges-like proportions from the centre.

S O F T   W E D G E 

cut soft wedge

Cut from the tip of the cheese or in strips from the first cut then in wedges-like portions from the centre


In The Little Shop, we stock all these fine cheeses and more! If you’d like to share your favourite cheeses, let us know in the comments below…