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Edible Nuts and Seeds The Bush Tucker (Part 3)

In part one we learned about Australian bush tucker meats, whereas in part two we looked at native fruits and vegetables. Today we focus our attention on another staple of the bush tucker, edible seeds and nuts.

Nuts and seeds are another famed segment of our native bush foods here in Australia. All over the world, the fame of the macadamia nut, cannot be denied. Most nuts like the macadamia, peanut, and the Australian cashew, as well as seeds like those from the cycad palm, can be eaten or turned into breads and cakes. Those aren’t the only seeds either, seeds from the strap wattle and pigweed, also share in this distinction.

Aus bush tucker nuts

Many of the edible seeds require soaking, pounding, and grinding before being baked in a careful ritual that is designed to remove the toxins from the food prior to eating them. If this preparation is not done correctly, most seeds will not be suitable for eating.

A prominent food for the Australian Aboriginals is the bunya nut. Similar to a chestnut (in both taste and appearance) this nut can be eaten raw or cooked. Traditionally, the Aboriginal people have been known to turn this nut into a paste to be eaten, or cooked on hot coals making bread.

Have you ever tasted one of these delicious seedcakes? What did we miss on this list of edibles?

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Read Our Previous Post: Fruits and Vegetables: The Bush Tucker (Part 2)