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Can you have a very cherry Christmas this year?

A report by Rabobank has predicted that production of cherries in Australia will continue to be impacted by three consecutive La Niña events. The country’s cherry sector is currently at an expansion phase, but with wetter-than normal conditions expected for this harvest season it remains unclear how much fruit can actually meet consumer demand.

A demanding time…

Australian cherry farmers have been planting more than 450,000 new trees in recent years to meet growing export demands. The specialized agribusiness bank predicted that this summer’s fruit could be at risk due the trade war with China which is expected cause prices for Southern Hemisphere cherries to increase in cost, as supply dwindles.

The Australian cherry industry has been hit by a decline in production, with the country’s total harvest last season estimated at 17 thousand tonnes. This is 15% less than what was produced during 2020/21 and it will undoubtedly have an effect on future exports as well – premium quality cherries are required for these markets but there’s no telling how long they’ll stay valuable if we can’t keep up our yields anymore!

"Australian cherries are seen as a perfect luxury gift for the celebration of Chinese New Year,"

Cherries aren’t just considered Christmas treats. “Australian cherries are seen as a perfect luxury gift for the celebration of Chinese New Year,” said RaboResearch associate analyst Pia Piggott. The Australian cherry theme will be present in many weddings and parties due to their delicious taste that matches well with different types or food like chocolates, ice cream etc!”

Easy cherry Ice-cream recipe

Ice Cream ingredients
Chocolate Swirl Ingredients
Ice cream Instructions
  • Combine the cherries, cream, milk, sugar, salt, and vanilla in the blender. Puree until completely smooth. Serve immediately for soft-serve ice cream or pour into an ice cream maker and freeze according to the manufacturer’s instructions.
Chocolate Swirl Instructions
  • While the ice cream is churning, combine the chocolate chips and coconut oil in a small glass bowl. Microwave for 1 minute. Remove from the microwave and stir until smooth. If needed, heat an additional 20-30 seconds. Stir until smooth.
  • Let cool a bit at room temperature while the ice cream finishes churning. (If it solidifies too much to drizzle while waiting, reheat for 10-15 seconds and stir again.)
  • When the ice cream finishes churning. Transfer about a third of the ice cream to an airtight container and drizzle generously with about a third of the melted chocolate. Repeat twice. Freeze until ready to serve.

If you are looking for a delicious and festive way to celebrate Christmas, look no further than cherries! These sweet treats can be enjoyed in a variety of ways, making them the perfect addition to any holiday celebration. We hope you have a Merry Cherry Christmas!